How To Take Proper Care Of Your Virgin Hair Extensions

If you can't live without your virgin hair extensions, then you'll need to arm yourself with some top hair care tips for keeping virgin hair extensions in the tip top condition. Just like our own hair, virgin hair extensions need a generous amount of TLC to keep the hair feeling and looking luxurious.

Virgin hair extensions can be costly and so it is vital that you know how to take proper care of them, especially if you're planning on using the same extensions for your next install. As you probably already know, you can treat your virgin hair extensions just like you would your own, but you must remember, if you neglect or damage the extensions, it won't grow back! Keep yourself in the know and check out our golden tips on how to take care of your virgin hair extensions.

Stay Away From Too Much Oil

When it comes to extensions, product overload is definitely a no, no. The product will only build up and leave the hair looking rather greasy. Argan oil is great on virgin hair extensions but too much of the stuff will make the hair oily and stringy. Use it sparingly or mix a little of the oil with some water and put it in a bottle so that you can spritz a little on the ends of your hair.

The best oil that you can use on your own hair and your extensions is a little virgin olive oil. Olive oil helps penetrate the hair and also gives your hair that healthy looking shine.

Use A Quality Deep Conditioner

Don't just throw any old conditioner on your extensions. No. Make sure that your using a conditioner that comes with a low PH. Herbal essences have the best conditioners for virgin hair extensions as it moisturizes the hair and doesn't leave it feeling dry. If you plan on dyeing your hair, make sure you leave the deep conditioner on for at least 20 minutes.

When using shampoo, make sure you use a little bit because shampoo is notorious for drying out hair extensions. Also, wash the hair in same direction to prevent any tangling. Once the hair is washed, let it dry naturally.

Avoid Too Much Heat

Let's face it, just about every woman on this planet loves to use some sort of heat appliance. Whether that be a straightener, curler or blow dryer, we women love to manipulate our hair with heat. Hair extensions are fragile, just like our own hair is and too much heat can dry out the ends, resulting in the hair shedding. Try your best to avoid using heat appliances as much as you can. Instead of blow drying your hair, let it dry out naturally. Use flexi rods instead of curling tongs and if you must straighten your hair, put it on a lowest heat setting.

Wrap It Up or Plait It Up!

Having a night time regime is important and essential if you want your extensions to last you a long time. Before bed, tie your extensions up into a low pony tail and cover with a silk scarf. Covering your hair at night helps prevent any breakage and not just that, it makes easier to maintain in the morning!

You could also part your hair into two sections and create two plaits, one either side. This is by far the easiest and the quickest to do right before bedtime.

Don't Over Brush It

Stop! Put the hair brush down! Some women have a habit of brushing their hair extensions when they need not to. The more you keep needlessly brushing your extensions, the more prone they are to suffer from breakage and shedding.

Try to avoid using a brush altogether and opt for a good quality hair comb instead. You should comb the hair through, before and after washing it, so that it is free of any tangles. If your hair is very knotty, split the hair into two sections and gently comb the hair in the same direction.

So there you go, practice these tips and your virgin hair extension will last you a lifetime. If you have any further tips, we would love to hear about them. Just comment below with your own tips on how you look after your virgin hair extensions.

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